Saturday, March 19, 2005

7 Sentence Saturday Summary

1. The online Bible study about victory over porn lasts 60 days and they said that day 14 to 30 are the roughest.

2. I am on day 12 and it has been a struggle to apply the verses they brought up - the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak when it comes to in depth sanctification.

3. God has been doing a work deep in my soul and burn out is less of a risk.

4. The creative side of me has come up with many more delightful projects but the challenge is to wisely choose which ones to work on in the short term.

5. A few of the new creative projects are like mortar that brings together various other bricks in the ministry vision.

6. With the new presentation of Information Clearinghouse and visual aids I am becoming very confident that major donors will be gladly give generously.

7. The Holy Spirit has been gently convicting me that my daily prayer times need improvement; so may I follow His lead.

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