Saturday, December 10, 2005

7 Sentence Saturday Summary

1. THANKS to God I have been making good progress in gathering the names for the face-to-face presentations.
2. Most of the names are friends that I am willing to share practice presentations.
3. Such practice would be good for getting into motion and making improvements.
4. But what I need mostly now is COURAGE to call and set appointments with those I know who can make large donations or can introduce me to them.
5. The most important people to meet with soon are a few elders of the church I am joining.
6. Three important parts of the Quarterly CDs prototype are coming to completion a) Colorful Verses will be promoted tonight, b) Resources for Men will hopefully be promoted early next week and c) the overview of Christian Education will hopefully be promoted before next Saturday.
7. After the initial names are gathered and entered into the Sales Force database then appointments will be set and the visual aids for BRIEF presentation will be created.

Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries


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