7 Sentence Saturday Summary
1. My Dad was an executive manager who said, “Plan your work and then work your plan.“
2. Need wisdom and insights from God on most the direct path to make effective presentations to the president of the seminary and major donors.
3. Request God’s grace and anointing to complete milestones flowchart visual aids of the ministry. (3/4 ready now)
4. Request God’s grace and anointing to complete checklists of short-term tasks. (also 3/4/ ready now)
5. Need to develop a new HABIT of taking the milestones flowchart and checklist to God DAILY in prayer.
6. Need to get back into the HABIT of sending out a simple weekly money report to a few selected friends in order to stay on top of my financial life.
7. Knock that God will open the door to FINALLY conduct the interview with Shebaa to clearly understand her past, present and future.
Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries http://7sentencesaturdaysummary.blogspot.com
1. My Dad was an executive manager who said, “Plan your work and then work your plan.“
2. Need wisdom and insights from God on most the direct path to make effective presentations to the president of the seminary and major donors.
3. Request God’s grace and anointing to complete milestones flowchart visual aids of the ministry. (3/4 ready now)
4. Request God’s grace and anointing to complete checklists of short-term tasks. (also 3/4/ ready now)
5. Need to develop a new HABIT of taking the milestones flowchart and checklist to God DAILY in prayer.
6. Need to get back into the HABIT of sending out a simple weekly money report to a few selected friends in order to stay on top of my financial life.
7. Knock that God will open the door to FINALLY conduct the interview with Shebaa to clearly understand her past, present and future.
Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries http://7sentencesaturdaysummary.blogspot.com