Saturday, March 25, 2006

7 Sentence Saturday Summary
March 25, 2006

1. Thank God, He granted me encouragement by His Holy Spirit and His people.
2. Pray for God to encourage me much MORE during this difficult season.
3. I am learning to use Mvelopes now that it can communicate with my bank account.
4. Pray for me to gain good habits of posting all transactions on a daily basis.
5. There are very many online software services that could be helpful, so pray for God to clearly guide me in choosing a few to focus on for now.
6. There are a few one page summary text presentations that need to be completed, so pray for God to grant anointed concentration in the creative zone.
7. Thankfully there has been progress in using to begin to bring order to the many projects and tasks.

Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries

Saturday, March 18, 2006

7 Sentence Saturday Summary
March 18 , 2006

1. By the grace of God my prayer life has improved while I am in the car by just praying out loud about what the Holy Spirit brings to my mind.
2. The revised prayer cards are ready for the presentation to the Sunday school class tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.
3. The revised CD only needs labels printed and applied for the same presentation.
4. The script for the 10 minute presentation is about half done.
5. I have a rough idea of the second half but need to write it out word for word to help me keep it brief.
6. I need to choose a few of the old PowerPoint slides to share and make a few new ones to keep me on track as I give a brief overview..
7. Pray for God to anoint this and future group presentations.

Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries

Saturday, March 11, 2006

7 Sentence Saturday Summary
March 11, 2006

1. I have had too many irons in too many fires and little was getting completed.
2. My familiar challenge of FOCUS is the current need for prayers.
3. The Holy Spirit keeping prompting me to learn and apply a new software named My Life Organized
4. It is a very powerful program that has helped many people with complex challenges like mine and has an active online community to assist
5. I have the free trail version and have not taken the time to use it.
6. Using this consistently will help with FOCUS related to fund raising as well as improving my prayer life.
7. Pray for God to grant me anointed times of concentration to master this tool.

Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries