Saturday, November 26, 2005

7 Sentence Saturday Summary

1. Thanksgiving Day was the first time I participated in the Turkey Trot 3 mile walk and along the way I enjoyed fellowship with members of the church I am joining.
2. Also for the first time I ate turkey and the trimmings at Black Eyed Pea with the same church members.
3. I continued my tradition of eating an entire pumpkin pie between midnight and midnight of Thanksgiving Day.
4. I continued my tradition of writing several Thank You cards on that day to those that had especially blessed me the previous year.
5. A neighbor replaced some vacuum hoses and the car is running smother.
6. My central focus is to quickly get on the fund raising trail to raise the 8K needed to launch the first quarterly CD.
7. I am organizing my time, files and paperwork anything else to move me toward that critical fund raising goal.

Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries

Saturday, November 12, 2005

7 Sentence Saturday Summary

1. Completed 6 of the 7 hours of presentations for new members at PCPC .
2. Those that I attended already were Why PCPC?, Stewardship, Worshiping God, Doctrines of Grace, What is the Gospel?, Missions and Outreach and then on Sunday afternoon it is Things Presbyterian.
3. It was refreshing to hear the gospel so clearly presented and notice how the church is actively committed to taking the Good News to others locally and globally.
4. Again I witnessed how they seek to blend acts of mercy with evangelism and discipleship.
5. They will arrange for me to meet with two elders before joining; so pray for God to bless that whole process.
6. The spark plugs are replaced and the car is running better, and Shebaa says when the oil is replaced most of the remaining roughness will go away.
7. Next week I need to line out a direct path to publishing the first quarterly CD and begin to take action steps.

Blog with archive of previous 7 Sentence Saturday Summaries